Monday, September 15, 2008

What a way to start the day......

OK, so I'm feeling way under the weather today. My throat is on fire and I'm starting to ache all over. I'm at home and I thought well it hurts to talk and editing requires no talking, so what the hey...I'll wrap up a couple of jobs I've been working on. So, I settle in, get comfy, turn on my monitor and.......NOTHING! I quickly call my brainy computer genius husband, and he tells me I'm gonna need a new video card. So, with all that being said.....all of the editing jobs I have open right now are now going to be delayed for a couple of days! Not too terrible, but it's definitely frustrating for me and all of my excited clients. I will get these out as soon as my trusty computer is back up and running..... As for now....I'm off to the couch with a huge glass of orange juice(gotta pump that vitamin C) and hopefully I'll be better by tomorrow! Much Love!

1 comment:

Katie said...

I hope you feel better soon.