Sunday, May 17, 2009

Waiting for Hayden….

Ever heard the expression "If only I could be a fly on the wall"? Well being a photographer, I kinda get to experience some of life that way. Others lives. Through my work I get to tell someone else's story because I was there. This was the case for me when Ryan and I drove up to Oak Ridge to visit our friends Jessica and Billy. They are having their first child at the end of this month and I was thrilled to hear the news and to officially be labeled as the family's "personal photographer". Technically before that day I was already "official", because you see....Jessica and Billy are the kind of loyal clients that every photographer dreams of. The ones that love your work and will tell anyone and everyone about you. No matter what. But being there, watching their faces as they talked about the long awaited arrival of their little one- well, it sealed the deal for me to. Congrats to you both and I can't wait to meet Hayden!

Here are a few of my faves from the adorable nursery and a few peeks at the maternity session! Much Love!







1 comment:

Ashley Caldwell said...

These look so good!! I agree I cant wait to meet him!! He needs to hurry up!!! The pictures turned out great once again!! Wonderful job Kelly!!!